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These pages will help you get started on your infant massage journey.

    Baby physical therapy

    Don’t Wait and See

    Is your baby experiencing difficulty with tummy time, poor regulation, colic, flat head syndrome or showing head turning preferences?

    Are you wanting to connect with other caregivers or looking for parent support?

    I can help with navigating your child’s development concerns through Individualized Physical Therapy, Cranialsacral Fascial Therapy, Infant Massage, and Baby and Me Enrichment Classes in order for them to dominate their development!

    Work with Jenny, Doctor of Physical Therapy

    Valpo Therapy Kids, LLC


    1:1 Physical Therapy

    If you have concerns about your child's motor development, you do not have to wait and see. Instead you can start to see progress today!

    Let’s see if PT is right for you.

    Cranialsacral Fascial Therapy (CFT)

    The Gillespie Approach -Craniosacral Fascial Therapy is a gentle healing modality that helps babies release its tight connective or fascial tissue from its physical and emotional traumas, all of which are critical to peak health.

    Baby and Me Classes

    Help your baby achieve developmental milestones by engaging both you and your child in activities that encourage movement, language, and emotional development. Variety of classes including Infant Massage.